The 20 Basic Rules Printed


“The 20 Basic Rules” defines core principles of the Body School blending science, philosophy and energy work. It’s the groundwork of partnership dancing.

“The 20 Basic Rules” is like a treasure map, guiding us through the essential principles of the Body School. Imagine it as a recipe book, blending together different sciences like anatomy, kinesiology, and social psychology, along with philosophy and energy work, to create the Body School System™. Each of these 20 rules is like a key, unlocking a deeper understanding of how our bodies move and interact, especially in partnership dancing.

Let’s break it down. Think of the first rule as the cornerstone of a building. It lays the foundation for everything else. Then, each rule after that is like adding another layer, building upon what came before. Together, they form a strong structure, supporting our journey through the Seven Levels of the Body School and to the top of the dancer’s pyramid. When you understand the rules, you will understand the other Schools of Thought as well.

Now, let’s zoom in. Each rule isn’t just a random idea; it’s carefully explained and connected to the bigger picture. It’s like putting together a puzzle. As we understand each piece, we see how they fit together to create a beautiful picture of partnership dancing.

But why does this matter? Well, imagine trying to bake a cake without a recipe. You might have all the ingredients, but without the right instructions, it’s hard to know what to do. The same goes for dancing. Without these rules, it’s like stumbling around in the dark. But with them, it’s like having a clear roadmap, guiding us every step of the way.

So, whether you’re just starting out or you’re a seasoned dancer, “The 20 Basic Rules” is like a beacon of light, illuminating the path to mastery. The rules are your foundation, and the understanding of the rules help you climb the top of dancer’s pyramid. With each rule we understand, we become better dancers, moving with confidence and grace on the dance floor.


Weight 6 lbs
Dimensions 9 × 7 × 1 in


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