Body School Certifications

The Body School™ certification has four branches of which certification is possible. The four branches cover the following areas of knowledge.

1) Practical/Dancing,

2) Principles/Theory.

3) Teaching/Coaching

4) Adjudicating.

It is possible to have certification in one or more of the branches.

The first branch is about Dancing and the Practical part of dancing. This will include the style of dance and the level achieved in each style. There are 8 different styles of dancing to qualify which include:

  1. A) International Standard
  2. B) International Latin
  3. C) American Smooth
  4. D) American Rhythm
  5. E) Theater Arts/Cabaret
  6. F) Night Club Dances
  7. G) Country Western
  8. H) Swing

There is also an identification of the level to which the dancer has performed. The levels are identified by the stars (*) following the style (letter) in which the Body School® dancer has qualified.

*) One *The first level of one star is the Amateur dance level which means The Body School® dancer has passed the degree of dancing amateur competitively or shown proficiency to dance at the amateur level. 

**) Two **This second level of two stars is Amateur high-level which means The Body School® dancer has reached semifinalist or finalist in recognized competitions or has shown proficiency to dance at a high level as an amateur (email for a list of recognized competitions).

***) Three *** This third level of three stars is the professional dance level which means The Body School® dancer has passed the degree of dancing competitively or shown proficiency to dance at the professional level.

****) Four **** This fourth level of four stars is professional high-level which means The Body School® dancer has reached semifinalist or finalist in recognized competitions or shown proficiency to dance at a level as a professional (email for a list of recognized competitions).

The second branch is the Body School® Principles and Theory. This degree is in levels and goes across all styles of partnership dancing. The Body School® is about the basic principles of movement and principles of the sciences. The principles are organized into rules and those rules are divided into a total of seven levels of understanding the principles and the depth of the principles. These levels are indicated by the word “level” and then a numeric number of the level achieved.

The third branch is about Teaching and Coaching. This degree is shown in levels and goes across all styles of partnership dancing. The Body School® is about the basic principles of movement and movement goes across all styles. There are a total of seven levels of understanding of principles and being able to communicate the principles. These levels are indicated by the numeric number of the level of certification.

The fourth branch of The Body School® certifications is about the aspect of Adjudicating. This branch has 3 levels.

  1. Level I is the first level, and this certification provides the qualification to judge all styles to the level of non-championship competitions.
  2. Level II is the second level, and this certification provides the qualification to judge all styles to the level of national championship competitions.
  3. Level III is the third level, and this certification provides the qualification to judge all styles to the level of world competitions.

Certified Teachers/Coaches

Ashley Eastin

Ashley Eastin

City/State/Country: Houston Texas USA


Dancing/Practical Degree: A*, B*

Principle/Theory Degree: Level 1, Level 2, Level 3

Teaching/Coaching Degree: 1+2

Chad Lakridis

Chad Lakridis

City/State/Country: Phoenix AZ USA


Dancing/Practical Degree: A**, B**, C***, D****, E***. F****, G****, H****

Principle/Theory Degree: Level 1, Level 2, Level 3

Teaching/Coaching Degree: 1+2+3

Adjudication Degree: I+II

Christine Zona

Christine Zona

City/State/Country Pittsburgh PA, New York City NY, and Boston MA USA


Dancing/Practical Degree: A****, B***, C****, D***, E***, F***, G***, H***

Principle/Theory Degree: Level 1, Level 2, Level 3, Level 4 and level 5

Teaching/Coaching Degree: 1+2+3+4+5

Adjudication Degree: I+II+III

Colleen Royal

Colleen Royal

City/State/Country: Phoenix AZ and Colorado Springs CO USA


Dancing/Practical Degree A, B***, C****, D****, E****, F****, G****, H****

Principle/Theory Degree: Level 1 and Level 2

Teaching/Coaching Degree: 1

Adjudication Degree: I+II



Karolina Szpiech

Karolina Szpiech

City/State/Country: Charlotte NC USA


Dancing/Practical Degree:  A****, B****, C****

Principle/Theory Degree: Level 1, Level 2, Level 3, Level 4, Level 5

Teaching/Coaching Degree: 1+2+3+4+5

Adjudication Degree: I+II+III



Maja Servé

Maja Servé

City/State/Country: Tucson AZ, Los Angeles CA USA


Dancing/Practical Degree: A****, B****, C****, D****, E****, F****, G****, H****

Principle/Theory Degree: Level 1, Level 2, Level 3. Level 4. Level 5, Level 6, Level 7

Teaching/Coaching Degree: 1+2+3+4+5+6+7

Adjudication Degree: I+II+III



Michal Towliszew

Michal Towliszew

City/State/Country Irvine CA


Dancing/Practical Degree: A****, B***, C***, D***

Principle/Theory Degree: Level 1, Level 2. Level 3, Level 4, Level 5

Teaching/Coaching Degree: 1+2+3+4+5

Adjudication Degree: I+II+III



Peter Chen

Peter Chen (contact Fiona)

City/State/Country Taipei Taiwan


Dancing/Practical Degree: A****, B***

Principle/Theory Degree: Level 1, Level 2, Level 3, Level 4, Level 5

Teaching/Coaching Degree: 1+2+3+4

Adjudication Degree: I+II+III



Suneth Jayamanna

Suneth Jayamanna

City/State/Country: Houston Texas USA


Dancing Degree: Level A**+B**

Principle/Theory Degree: Level 1, Level 2, Level 3, Level 4, Level 7

Teaching/Coaching Degree: 1+2+3+4+5+6+7


Tiffany Fung

Tiffany Fung

City/State/Country Irvine CA, USA


Dancing/Practical Degree: A****, B***, C***, D***

Principle/Theory Degree: Level 1, Level 2, Level 3, Level 4, Level 5, Level 6, Level 7

Teaching/Coaching Degree: 1+2+3+4+5+6+7

Adjudication Degree: I+II+III